Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Time

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

We are reopening on Monday the 28th.

~Drink more coffee~

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Yes, indeed there are Cortado tees, tank tops, and hoodies. Also coffee mugs! Available in a plentiful array of colors and sizes, and shipping around the world. Get one! Or two!


Cortado Coffee Bar  T-shirt

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fresh Almond Milk?

Never made your own almond milk? Give it a try. After soaking the almonds overnight it just takes a few minutes to blend and strain them and WOW it is definitely worth it, the flavor and it is better for you.

We're all about quality and authentic coffee at Cortado. As for non-dairy options fresh almond is the only way to go. Its fresher and more flavorful.

This is how it's supposed to taste, not the industrially-processed version changing the taste while make the product have a longer shelf life. There are a number of ingredients added to the store bought almond milk. Carrageenan is a controversial additive.
Carrageenan is an additive derived from seaweed and is used as a stabilizer and thickener. Its consider safe by FDA. Still you should be careful and of course your coffee tastes better with fresh almond milk.

Also when looking for raw almonds the FDA allows for the almonds to be pasteurized and still be label “raw”. Steaming them and heating them up like milk except after milk is pasteurized no one labels it raw milk. Go figure. The raw almonds are going to be more expensive at a specialty health food store so buying in bulk online from amazon is option. Just read the fine print to find out if they are and raw and organic. Also Shiloh farms is a reliable company
On island, check out Papaya's natural foods on the east side of Kauai. They usually have raw almonds and nut bags.

Come by Cortado and try a toasty almond (not on the menu), a cafe au lait with our almond milk. Also the bittersweet mocha with almond milk is very energizing and good for you with just espresso, delicious 100% cacao, local honey, fresh almond milk.

To make your own almond milk you're going to need:
  • Blender
  • Nut bag or cheese cloth
  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 3 cups water, plus more for soaking
  • ½ tsp. Vanilla extract
  • pitch sea salt
  • cinnamon
  • ½ inch piece of ginger blended with soaked almonds

In a bowl cover almonds with water and soak overnight on your counter. Pour off water and rinse once. Put the almonds is your blender with 3 cups of water (you can use a little less water for a creamier almond milk). Prepare nut bag either in a large bowl or a large container. Strain almonds; twist and squeeze bag to make sure you get all of the liquid out.

You can discard left over almond pulp but try to reuse it. You can spread it out on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 30 minutes to dry out. Put it in a food processor for a few second until fine. Use the almond flour for healthy gluten-free baking. Almond milk will stay fresh 4-5 days.  Enjoy!